We took this tractor down to the frame, sourced all new OEM decals, and repainted to factory original!
Farmall Restoration
Completed a full restoration, 12V electrical conversion, and engine rebuild for a customers Farmall!
Case 630 Restoration
Click through the before and after on the a restoration of a Case 630.
More Paint Jobs
Here is an old sun-faded and rust-specked international 454 and a 624. After the paint job it looks like it just came off the lot again.
We paint tractors and attachments too!
An older Ford model we repainted this past winter. Ready to get back to work and look good doing it. Below are the before and after slide shows.
We service all brands of tractors
Under the hood of a Massey in need.
Welcome to Pete's Tractors. Where we sell the highest quality Bad Boy equipment as well as service and repair all tractor brands and models.